Discover the captivating entrepreneurial journey of Aaron Feigelman and Richard Shore, pioneers behind Kawa Project, a member of our Disruption 23/24 cohort.

In the vibrant landscape of entrepreneurship, tales of triumph often weave through narratives of perseverance, resilience, and unwavering dedication. The story of Aaron Feigelman and Richard Shore, the brains behind Kawa Project, is no different. Their journey, fraught with challenges yet adorned with remarkable achievements, illuminates the path towards a more sustainable future and we’re thrilled to welcome them into our Disruption 23/24 Program.

Aaron’s odyssey towards sustainability and entrepreneurship began during his formative years at Benicia High School. It was here that he left an indelible mark by spearheading the school district’s transition to solar power, a monumental endeavour that saw him broker a $5 million project (and yes, it was for a non-profit). Upon graduating, Aaron pursued a degree in Mechanical Engineering at UCLA, where he deepened his understanding of innovation and sustainability. During his time at UCLA, Aaron worked at Co-ops, leveraging the income from these positions to sustain himself during the early stages of building Kawa Project. Additionally, Aaron’s journey included a 1-year stint as a Product Engineer at Tesla, where he gained invaluable experience in cutting-edge technology and sustainable practices.

Meanwhile, Richard’s journey unfolded against the backdrop of law and entrepreneurship. Hailing from Montreal, Canada, Richard embarked on his journey through the corporate world, initially carving his path as a lawyer in Los Angeles, specialising in the Film & Entertainment industries. In 2008/2009, he co-founded a digital studio, a venture that eventually culminated in a successful acquisition by a global Ad network. However, the relentless pace of entrepreneurship took its toll, leading Richard to experience burnout—a common plight among young entrepreneurs chasing success repeatedly. Reflecting on his journey, Richard openly acknowledges his failures, recognising them as stepping stones towards growth and evolution.

Through mutual networks, he crossed paths with Aaron, and the seeds of collaboration were sown. With a background steeped in corporate law and a fervent appetite for innovation, Richard brought a unique perspective to Kawa Project, complementing Aaron’s technical expertise with his strategic acumen.

The genesis of Kawa Project sprouted from Aaron’s fascination with upcycling coffee waste—an idea born out of a desire to mitigate the environmental impact of coffee consumption. Initially focused on extracting high-value fats from spent coffee grounds, Aaron and his team soon recognised the need for a pivot to ensure the project’s economic viability. This pivot led to the development of an alternative to alkalised cocoa, positioning Kawa Project as a trailblazer in sustainable food innovation.

The name “Kawa,” derived from the compound Kahweol found in coffee, serves as a symbol of the project’s commitment to sustainability. As Aaron and Richard navigated the complexities of entrepreneurship, they remained steadfast in their shared ethos of environmental responsibility and innovation. Their journey was punctuated by strategic collaborations and fortuitous opportunities, from partnering with Netflix to collaborating with a global formulation company working for a leading FMCG brand. The timing of Kawa Project’s emergence could not have been more opportune. With upcycling gaining momentum in Europe and the price of cocoa skyrocketing, Aaron and Richard found themselves at the forefront of a burgeoning movement towards environmental sustainability. Today, Kawa Project aims to mission to upcycle the world’s 23 billion pounds of coffee grounds, offering not merely a product but a solution to a pressing global challenge.

As Aaron and Richard continue to chart new horizons, their journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide. Their story reminds us that the pursuit of a sustainable future is not merely a dream but a tangible reality within our grasp. Kawa Project is more than just a venture; it’s a testament to the enduring impact of passion, perseverance, and purpose in shaping a brighter tomorrow for generations to come.

For more information, visit their website, Kawa Project.