Pedro Sousa bridges technology with innovation to address the most critical challenges on the hospitality sector.

Meet Pedro from Mais Horeca

Knowing that the hospitality sector was one of the most affected by the pandemic was enough for Pedro Edris Sousa and DV to come up with their unique solution: Mais Horeca.

Bridging technology and innovation, our goal was to make restaurants more efficient and competitive – so they could focus on re-building their operation. With better-invoicing software, IT platforms and hardware we made their jobs a whole lot easier. Pedro found our ability to go above and beyond to help our partners and our openness to new ideas to be his favourite part about working with us. According to him, the mutual trust established was vital for the partnership to last.

Also, because we had the connections and business know-how, we could easily implement a few things – like their excellent fidelity program which has 600.000 subscribers up until now!To better know his services, head to