Wondering what disruptive businesses have in common? They might come from different sectors, but there are certainly a few lessons to learn.

Lessons from disruptive businesses

We talk a great deal about disruption but not everyone knows what it means. In a nutshell, it’s the term used when an industry is shaken up by a new player – making the previously successful incumbents stumble. Sounds familiar?

If you thought this sounded a lot like Uber, you’re right – the Silicon Valley company is probably the most obvious example we can think of. It’s difficult to achieve this level of recognition, and also: disruptive businesses take time to harvest. It can be years before the true effects of disruption present themselves in the market. Hence, we must pay attention to what the successful ones have in common:

1 – They are able to anticipate social shifts
They were able to see things other people didn’t. And that’s not luck: it’s a result of a lot of social observation and research. Knowledge is the greatest source of power.

2 – They add real value
Their initial drive probably wasn’t to be a “disruptor” but to make a real impact in their respective fields. That comes with trying to provide products or services that truly suits the need of customers.

3 – They march to the beat of their own drum
They are not scared to do things their own way and they trust their intuition.

Having all that in mind, needless to say having a great team of like-minded people having your back is key. We’re here to be that partner.